
Advanced EO/IR Sensor SDK & Real-Time Effects Library

SenSim™ (see datasheet) is an advanced sensor modeling toolkit and run-time library for real-time sensor effects simulation of any optical sensor in the EO or IR passband. It provides engineering-level modeling of the optics, detector, electronics and display components, simulating appropriate Modulation Transfer Functions (MTFs), detector sampling, noise, non-uniformity, dead-detectors, fill-factor, 1/f and white noise, pre-and post-amplifiers, and displays. SenSim can use the actual sensor component specifications to provide the most realistic sensor visualization experience.

SenSim Solution Suite

SenSim is an advanced optical sensor modeling and real-time effects solution suite that consists of two component technologies: SenSimMT, the Sensor Design Modeling Tool, and SenSimRT, the real-time Sensor Effects Post-Processor Library.


SenSimMT is a powerful tool for sensor design and analysis studies. Users simply enter typical or known sensor specifications, and dynamically view the effect as would be on an actual sensor display.

SenSimMT models all sensor components: optics, detector configuration, signal processing and display system.

SenSimMT ingests either a static sensor image or synthesizes a tactical scene on-the-fly with a target model at range based on user-specified inputs. Using advanced engineering models for simulating the sensor effects in non-real-time, it produces a play-back movie of that sensor against the user-specified scenario.

When the user has the precise specifications for the right sensor "look-and-feel", SenSimMT outputs the run-time data constructs to be used by SenSimRT for real-time sensor effects implementation.

SenSimRT is a GPU-based real-time sensor effects library that integrates easily into existing IGs. It applies the appropriate blurring, noise and even physically-correct NVG light-point haloing in the frame-buffer of nVidia and ATI advanced graphics boards. SenSim is available for Windows or Linux OS.

SenSimRT - GPU real-time sensors

SenSimRT is an innovative new library that ingests a SenSimMT output file, and configures itself to apply engineering-level NVG and FLIR sensor effects at the specified sensor frame rate – up to 60 Hz or better at 800x600, depending on the SenSimMT design and graphics hardware.

SenSimRT is a scalable solution using robust run-time software that implements SenSimMT modeling in the GPU on NVIDIA and ATI advanced graphics boards in real-time. Efficient GPU algorithms apply the effects to the at- aperture imagery in the frame-buffer with very minimal impact on scene rendering performance. The result is real-time advanced sensor effects on low cost PC-based hardware. SenSimRT will also run on tightly-coupled dual GPU hardware architectures, like SLI from nVidia, for larger at- aperture image-processing at 60 Hz or better frame-rates. SenSimRT performs physically- correct, engineering level effects simulation, like real-time NVG haloing.